How Schools Can Become Self-Sufficient in Coding and Robotics

Partnering for Progress

1/22/20242 min read

The future belongs to innovators, and equipping students with coding and robotics skills is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. However, building a robust program from scratch can be daunting for schools facing resource constraints and limited expertise. That's where Edhrona enters the picture, offering a powerful partnership to help schools achieve self-sufficiency in coding and robotics education within three years.

Challenges Faced by Schools:

  • Lack of qualified teachers: Finding educators with expertise in coding and robotics can be difficult, especially in smaller schools.

  • Time-consuming curriculum development: Designing engaging and age-appropriate curriculum requires significant time and expertise.

  • Limited access to resources: Purchasing equipment and maintaining technology can be a financial burden.

  • Uncertain sustainability: Building a program from scratch often lacks a clear path to long-term self-sufficiency.

Edhrona: Your Partner in Progress:

  • Comprehensive curriculum: We offer a complete library of age-appropriate and engaging lessons aligned with global standards.

  • Empowering teacher training: Our professional development programs equip teachers with the confidence and skills to guide students effectively.

  • Interactive learning platform: Our gamified platform offers a seamless learning experience, accessible anytime, anywhere.

  • Affordable solutions: We provide flexible pricing models to suit your budget, ensuring financial sustainability.

  • Sustainable roadmap: We work with you to develop a customized plan for achieving self-sufficiency within three years.

The Journey to Self-Sufficiency:

Year 1:

  • Implement Edhrona curriculum: Introduce coding and robotics concepts using our engaging lessons and platform.

  • Teacher training: Equip your teachers with the necessary skills through dedicated training programs.

  • Build foundational skills: Focus on developing core coding and problem-solving skills in students.

Year 2:

  • Deepen learning: Expand into more advanced topics and project-based activities.

  • Teacher mentoring: Provide ongoing support and mentorship to empower teachers as independent instructors.

  • Develop local resources: Start building your own library of learning materials and activities.

Year 3:

  • Transition to self-sufficiency: Confidently lead your own coding and robotics program with support from Edhrona's resources.

  • Empower local talent: Identify and train potential in-house teachers to ensure program sustainability.

  • Become a leader: Share your expertise and inspire other schools on their journey to self-sufficiency.

Benefits of Partnership:

  • Faster program launch: Get your coding and robotics program up and running quickly without reinventing the wheel.

  • Reduced workload: Empower teachers to focus on guiding students with our comprehensive curriculum and resources.

  • Cost-effective solutions: Access high-quality education at an affordable price with flexible pricing options.

  • Sustainable future: Gain the skills and resources to confidently lead your own program in the long run.

Ready to Partner for Progress?

Join the growing number of schools partnering with Edhrona to equip their students with the skills they need to thrive in the future. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and embark on your journey to becoming self-sufficient in coding and robotics education.